06 Jun Why Use Delivery Confirmation and Signature Required Services?
Your Business Might Need Delivery Confirmation, Signature Required, or Indirect Signature Required Services
Delivery Confirmation, Signature Required, and Indirect Signature Required are all UPS & FedEx services that provide peace of mind. They are also required for many types of shipments. If your company ships high value package goods, pharmaceuticals, firearms, or alcohol, you will need to consider utilizing the Signature Required Delivery Services. Signature Delivery options are available for an additional fee from both UPS and FedEx.
If the shipper does not request signature required, and the recipient has signed a delivery release with the carrier, your shipments are typically left at a safe location and out of the weather. However, when the Signature Required option is selected, this will typically override any release the recipient may have signed previously with the carrier, and signature will be necessary for delivery. Since this will require either the recipient or other designee to physically be present to sign for the package, delivery may be delayed or reattempted depending on the circumstances and level of Signature Required option.
FedEx Signature Required Delivery Options
- Indirect Signature Required. FedEx will obtain a signature in one of three ways:
- From someone at the delivery address; or
- From a next door neighbor, building manager or other person at a neighboring address; or
- The recipient can sign a FedEx door tag or utilize FedEx Delivery Manager to authorize release of the package without anyone present. FedEx can then just leave the package on the door step. If delivery cannot be completed in these ways, FedEx may reattempt delivery.
- Direct Signature Required. FedEx will obtain a signature from someone at the delivery address. If no one is at the address, FedEx may reattempt delivery.
- Adult Signature Required. FedEx will obtain a signature from someone at least 21 years old (government-issued photo identification required) at the delivery address. If there is no eligible recipient at the delivery address, FedEx may reattempt delivery.
FedEx Signature Required Mandates
If your shipment contains firearms, select the Direct Signature Required or Adult Signature Required Delivery Signature Option. Firearms shipments are not eligible for signature release, driver release or indirect delivery.
FedEx charges for U.S Express Package, U.S Ground, International Ground and Express Services are as follows:
- $4.50 per package (Indirect Signature Required)
- $4.50 per package (Direct Signature Required)
- $4.50 per package (Adult Signature Required)
For shipments receiving FedEx Express Multiweight or FedEx Ground Multiweight pricing that are subject to per-package signature option charges, the maximum charge are as follows:
- $31.50 per shipment for Indirect Signature Required
- $31.50 per shipment for Direct Signature Required
- $38.50 per shipment for Adult Signature Required.
When shipper’s tender multiple-package shipments processed together using a FedEx electronic shipping solution, any FedEx Delivery Signature Option that you select will apply to all packages within the shipment. For Hold at Location shipments, Indirect Signature Required and Direct Signature Required charges may not apply, but Adult Signature Required charges will apply.
UPS Delivery Confirmation Services
Delivery Confirmation (Domestic only)
You can request Delivery Confirmation Service by indicating Delivery Confirmation in a UPS Automated Shipping System. Delivery Confirmation information will include the date of Delivery and either the name of the recipient or the disposition of the Package; or, in the event of a return, the reason for the return and the date processed.
Delivery Confirmation Signature Required (Domestic and International)
A Shipper may request UPS to obtain the recipient’s signature on Delivery. The Shipper must use a UPS Automated Shipping System to initiate a request for this service. UPS may obtain, at its sole and unlimited discretion, a signature, other electronic acknowledgment of receipt or authorization to release without a signature upon delivery pursuant to the UPS My Choice® service from the recipient when this option is selected.
Delivery Confirmation Adult Signature Required (Domestic and International)
A Shipper may request UPS to obtain the signature of an adult 21 years of age or older on Delivery. UPS, in its sole and unlimited discretion, will determine if delivery can be completed when such a request is made, and may request photo identification indicating the recipient’s age, before completing Delivery. The Shipper must use a UPS Automated Shipping System to initiate a request for this service.
UPS reserves the right to assess the Shipper the additional charge for this service when the Shipper requests UPS to obtain an adult signature on Delivery and an approved UPS label is not affixed to the Package or pallet indicating such request, or, the Shipper tenders a Package or pallet that, based upon its contents, requires an approved UPS label requesting an adult signature upon Delivery and no such label has been affixed to the Package or pallet.
UPS Adult Signature Required Mandates
- For all Packages containing alcoholic beverages, wine is particularly popular, the Shipper must use Delivery Confirmation Adult Signature Required service requesting an adult signature for each Package containing alcoholic beverages, and must affix a special UPS alcoholic beverages label to each Package.
- The Shipper must use Delivery Confirmation Adult Signature Required service for each Package containing a firearm (including handguns). UPS, in its sole and unlimited discretion, may require the Shipper to select a UPS Next Day Air® delivery service for any Package containing a firearm. Handguns will be accepted for transportation only via a UPS Next Day Air delivery service.
UPS Charges for Delivery Confirmation and Signature Services
UPS Delivery Confirmation
- Confirmation of delivery is sent by mail, and includes the delivery date, either the name of the recipient or the package disposition, and in the event of a return, the reason for the return.
- Similar information, including the ability to view a signature, is available for no charge when you track your package at ups.com.
- Delivery Confirmation Fee: $2.00
Signature Required and Adult Signature Required
- UPS will obtain the necessary signature on delivery, and include it with the mailed Delivery Confirmation information. For Signature Required packages only, UPS may obtain, at its discretion, an electronic authorization to release the package without a signature on delivery.
- Signature Required Fee: $4.50
- Adult Signature Required Fee: $5.50
Verbal Confirmation of Delivery
- To confirm delivery of your shipment, a UPS representative will call the preferred contact telephone number listed on your UPS Next Day Air® Early package.
- Verbal Confirmation Fee: $3.00
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