Shipping FAQ Archives - Page 2 of 7 - Franklin Parcel

Shipping FAQ

Both personal and professional lives often involve shipping packages. So, it's essential to ensure they arrive safely. Using the "Signature Required" option from carriers like...

Shipping expenses are an important factor for both people and enterprises. As online sales surge, businesses must find cheap ways to ship products across borders...

A delivery exception means your package can't be delivered due to an unforeseen issue. Delivery exceptions can include: someone must sign a document but is...

Shipping costs depend on size, weight, distance, and speed. Comparing options helps you find the cheapest choice for your needs. Generally, USPS Ground and Priority...

One size does not fit all when it comes to shipping. UPS offers a range of packing options. They are tailored to meet individual needs....

In today's hectic world, shipping must be convenient and reliable. Knowing delivery schedules can improve your shipping experience. This is true for both clients awaiting...

UPS provides a range of weekend delivery services to meet various shipping requirements. Below is a summary of the main choices: UPS Ground Weekend Delivery: UPS...

FedEx tracking lets customers see their packages' locations at all times. It tracks them from pickup to delivery. This tracking feature is good for both...

Effective January 1, 2024, FedEx service rates will increase by an average of 5.9% for FedEx Ground and Express. When it comes to carrier increases,...

Effective December 26, 2023 UPS service rates will increase by an average of 5.9%. When it comes to carrier increases, it is very important to...