30 Apr Strategic Planning for the Aftermath of COVID-19

Strategic Planning for the Aftermath of COVID-19
Here at Franklin Parcel, Ben is constantly thinking about how shippers can prepare and proactively stay at the forefront of potential shipping challenges. Ben knows that with good data and analytics, shippers are well educated and armed to negotiate effectively. With many small to mid-size companies being shuttered now for weeks on end, many have likely not considered the impact to their shipping rates once they reopen and resume normalized shipping operations.
If you’re like most shippers, you have UPS and FedEx discounts tied directly to revenue based volume tiers. As normal operations resume, shippers may find their cost per package significantly impacted if the volume tier discounting isn’t addressed. Franklin Parcel can help you be a shipping super-hero! Ben understands this problem and is here to save the day for parcel shippers large and small.
Sign up for your free account today and put Ben’s expertise to work for your company!